For those who lived in, near, close to Arnold, full or part time.

For those who started playing with trains at a very young age..... later was OK.

For those who had model trains from the 1950/60s, or soon thereafter.

For those who were still in it, after all these years.

The goal of this Club or Society was to create a series of platforms, thereby gathering a network of followers as we all pursued a common cause; Model RailRoading. All of us most likely had a layout that had grown to include all the valuables collected over the past decades. Building a layout was much easier when we all started at an early age yet the passion continued. As the layout began to develop and expand, problems seemed to arise and the solutions were difficult to find. Like the hidden electrical track short ! .... or the switch that won't ....or the engine that makes unusual noises and starts to smell and smoke!

Comfort was often found when learning of others with the same issues and hopeful solutions.The AHMRRS stood to provide a forum for the purpose of meeting and discussing successes and non-successes, or simply what worked and what didn't.

AHMRRS had no dues, regular meetings, agendas, newsletters, logos, shirts, hats, fund raising or sponsors.

We did have a common interest. The idea was to chat about our hobby --- Model RailRoading.

Bob Maginnis
1942 - 2022

TCA 6-60148